When you think about it, mundane tasks are sometimes the most philosophical. Filth builds up on floors in very different forms, and thus the most effective process for cleaning them can vary drastically, from sweeping into a dustpan--with the absolutely fantastic Ashley--to some sort of a towel-mop boogie. Reaching hearts with the Gospel is often the same way: different people are convinced of the grace, mercy, and awesomeness of our Lord in different ways. From leading a VBS for the children to walking streets handing out flyers for our gospel music concert to singing in the concert itself, we have all been able to share the love of Christ with many people in many different ways, extending our sincere love and appreciation of God's beauty to a wonderful nation of wonderful people.
Cleaning the floors has also been reflective of our process of getting to know the rest of the of the team here. Most of us here only knew a couple of our teammates prior to arriving here in France. Figuring out how to have one person cleaning the floors while the other one dries and tries not to mess it all back up again in the process has required some work, just as have many of our other projects that have required much teamwork. We all have different personalities, unique strengths and weaknesses, that require grace and understanding in order to work effectively together. However, this is an incredible group of people who have been constantly encouraging and help each other to better portray the love of Christ. I haven't been on a mission trip of this scale before, so maybe all trips and teams are like this, but I like to think we have something special here: a deep connection based on a fierce faith and love for our Savior, which translates to an unfailing love for each other. I love this team. =)
-Connor Perkins
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