We're nearing the end of our second week of VBS and our team has proven the old adage that those who work hard play hard! After a fun and sweat-filled day of learning to "Open Up to Jesus" our team headed to the ramparts of the Officer's Club to celebrate Bastille Day with silly photos, games of ninja, freeze tag, and the aforementioned swing dancing. We then enjoyed the fireworks display with the best view of the city, the Notre Dame de la Garde watching along with us as the brilliant moon served as a spotlight (credit to Christine Crowson as the source for the moon/spotlight comparison!)
It's now our last day of VBS and we covet everyone's prayers for a successful final "spectacle" (performance) as the kids show their parents the songs, verses, and dances they've learned at our SonSurf Beach Bash. God has really blessed our team and the kids in the camp as we are both working and playing hard : )
Off to catch this last wave and ride it in! As the surfers say in our daily skit-- woot woot!
-Christine Orsini
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