Yesterday was France's national holiday- Bastille Day! It was amazing to be there and celebrate with this wonderful nation. We all gathered on the ramparts of the port for pizza and dancing before the fireworks. Once everyone had eaten, the swingin' began. The newer swing dancing folks caught on so fast!! I was incredibly impressed. Using Connor's ipod, we were all transported back to the 30s and 40s. Glenn Miller, the Andrews Sisters, Frank Sinatra and more! Above left are our most amazing and generous missionaries: Mr. and Mrs. Painter-the most adorable couple on the floor:) They were groovin'! Right are other wonderful dancers including a most patient friend-Kyle- who put up with my wanting to teach him all these flips and twirls:) It was great fun!! After dancing we all sat and watched the most amazing firework show I've ever seen. The vibrant colors lit up the entire sky and the water sparkled in the harbor. I just marveled at God's creation. I'm so thankful that we were all able to enjoy this wonderful day with the French people.
-Alexi Moehlenpah
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