Science is all about discovering, wondering, having curiosity, and exploring and experimenting. We explored the use of space, as we set up the Science Center in Jean Raymond's hallway, experimenting with how we can best us space in a small church, with nearly 90 people making there way through the various rooms.
Day 1 Meeting up with Jesus, we discovered an extraordinary boy. Jesus is God's Son. The Creator of the universe, God our Father, loves for us to observe His creation. As good scientists, we looked, and looked and looked, and then recorded our observations. We observed marine life, and the wonder of shells, collected by the team members from various parts of the world. We had shells from Malaysia and France and India and America. Looking at the diversity and similarities, textures, and colors, we organized and categorized them, and then we made hypotheses as to what the sea creature that once inhabited the shells could have looked like.
We can't wait to explore more about God's awesome creation, especially things at the beach this week, as we enjoy our Sonsurf Beach Bash!
Colleen Hawthorne
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