The gorgeous group of individuals on the left are just a few of the many little people I have been blessed to meet this week and last. The Bible is spot-on--as always--when it discusses the heart of a child. How refreshing is their love, naivety, honesty, and wide-eyed wonder! What a reminder it is to live with these same traits in our daily lives.... And praise the Lord for His work of salvation in many of these French children! They are the future of this country; the changes this camp makes in their lives can, by God's power, exponentially expand and revive this county for Christ.
Tuesday night was a great sign of how this trip is working in the lives of all of us as well. A few of us, myself included, just started a little impromptu worship session, sang a couple worship songs and started praying. We soon had the entire team in the room, alternately singing and crying out to God. I have never felt the Spirit of God as I did that night. For over an hour the we all praised the name of the Lord, pleaded with Him to help us make Him our all in all, and cried out for a revival in this beautiful city of Marseille. God's presence was tangible, and we were all very much moved and reinvigorated by renewing our focus on the only One who deserves it.
Continue to pray for us. The power of God is alive here in Marseille and is manifesting itself to the kids in the VBS and to our team. “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”
-Connor Perkins
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