Last night was a little bit different than the average here. Instead of crashing at the hotel or heading out to see a few sites, we had work to do. Work? Well, not really. We had a concert to prepare for. And that is fun! Over the last couple of weeks we have learned around an hour and a half of choral music. In the last three days, we learned that same amount once over again.
Needless to say the afternoon was packed. Despite our stock of material, more was needed. The pieces we had worked on over the last three days were not our usual pieces. Instead of working as an entire choir, we split up into a number of smaller ensembles and groups.
Oh, while am at the keyboard, I must mention something else that happened. I got asked to give my testimony. So it is not like I had nothing to do. I had written it in French before coming but it was still a bit rough. So Kelly kindly spent an hour proof-reading it with me.
Then it was time to practice music. Afterwards we had 45 minutes until the concert. While everyone else was getting on their dress-clothes I was frantically pacing the sanctuary practicing giving it. Then I changed into my dress-clothes (still practicing). Then it was time.
The entire choir sang three pieces. We started out great. The slightly blurry faces in the audience crystalized as smiles began to emerge. Then Dayna gave a testimony. Next came three pieces by ensemble. Particularly fixed in my mind is a soaring rendition of Let Me Ride which was performed by Kyle and Mr. David Ryley and Kelly Orsini. It seemed particularly appropriate to me since we had just sung Swing Low Sweet Chariot.
Then it was my turn. As I got up from my seat on the side and walked towards Kelly who was holding the mic, I felt a strange cool feeling on my skin. But as I began to talk, all self-awareness seemed to fade away. There were so many people out there, many whom we had invited on the street. The audience listened attentively as I shared my story in French. I sensed that they grasped at least part of what I was trying to get across when they laughed at story I told about a fight when I was little. It was quiet as I handed over the mic and went back to my seat. I hope those who heard it understood it. God was certainly present by the supernatural sense of calm I felt. We now leave the seeds that we planted in His care.
-Paul Loftness
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