Bonjour! I am Elizabeth (the one who was doing laundry the other day) and I'm 15 years old. I currently live in Germany with my family. When I signed up for a VBS mission trip to France to be the photographer and help with snacks I was expecting pure chaos with tons of kids and things to do. I also thought that lunch would be more of a large snack than a meal because that's closer to the VBS experiences I've had before. Instead I was greeted with what you see in this picture. Not only is there always loads of food but Nancy, our chef, always does her best to make it look presentable. Which means nice looking trays, centerpieces on the tables, watermelon whales and all sorts of other fun things! Not really what is expected when you're going on a mission trip. Just today I was told to cut radishes to look like flowers so we could decorate the meat and cheese trays. Now when you come from a family who just hands you a plate and sets the lettuce container and dish on the table and says "Eat," this is quite the experience.
-Elizabeth Isakson
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