Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Early arrival

Dayna and I had a good flight, despite a crying baby nearby. As we came out of the Marseille airport, Anne Herrenshneider and her daughter met us. Perfect timing. Thank you Jesus! When you are tired and jet lagged....it is so nice to be met by someone!
We stepped out into the heat...90* and not a cloud in the sky. Plus, no A/C in Anne's van. New culture, new language, fatigue & heat!
Anne had so much to show us. She is an English teacher in Aubagne, so we have education in common. She is also a believer in Jesus and her son is coming to the VBS. Anne drove us around very enthusiastically. Dayna and I were thrilled to see Mt. Victoire and a pictoresque village. We ate lunch in a crêperie and then begged for a nap. In the evening, we hiked along les Calanques and looked at the Mediterranean Sea.
Today explored a bit of Aix en Provence. Here I am in front of a fountain of warm water. It is using the thermal springs under the city.

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