Sunday, February 6, 2011

New beginnings

It is February and we are beginning to plan for our VBS in southern France. Dan and Nancy Painter are scouting out a second church for us to help ( besides Friedland in Marseilles), as well as places we can stay and where we can eat.
It looks like God is leading to some protestant churches in Narbonne. Pastor Steven Lloyd and his wife Sue Anne have some ideas for us. The ADD building is spacious and perfect for a VBS. So we are thinking of spending the first few days in the CĂ©vennes to get over jet lag, bond as a team and plan. From there we will go to Carcassonne for lunch and learn about the history of the Cathares. On Sunday we set up for VBS in Narbonne July 4-8. The next weekend we make our way to Marseilles and stay at Fort Nicolas. The Marseilles VBS will be July 11-15.
These are exciting plans and we are taking applications for the team. Venez nous joindre!

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